Christmas Cards
Visiting Santa
Christmas dresses
(the dresses were bought specifically for my brother's wedding next month, but they work for Christmas dresses too!)

Gingerbread house... a train this year

And Christmas sugar cookies for Santa... which the kids and I will make tomorrow.
I'm loving this time of year and all the festivities. We got to go to the Live Nativity (incredible, minus Mary falling off the donkey); attend our ward Christmas party and Benj's work party;
and Connie and I took our older girls to see the Nutcraker Ballet. It was so cool, Lexi especially loved it and is going to inform her dance teacher she wants pointe shoes NOW. :) And most importantly, we are remembering the Reason for the Season.


Visiting Santa

Christmas dresses
(the dresses were bought specifically for my brother's wedding next month, but they work for Christmas dresses too!)
Gingerbread house... a train this year
And Christmas sugar cookies for Santa... which the kids and I will make tomorrow.
I'm loving this time of year and all the festivities. We got to go to the Live Nativity (incredible, minus Mary falling off the donkey); attend our ward Christmas party and Benj's work party;
and Connie and I took our older girls to see the Nutcraker Ballet. It was so cool, Lexi especially loved it and is going to inform her dance teacher she wants pointe shoes NOW. :) And most importantly, we are remembering the Reason for the Season.
Benj and I also celebrated 10 years of marriage! I honestly can't believe it's been ten years... I am so lucky to have married an amazing man. We've been through so much with getting our educations, career moves, buying our first house, having our 3 beautiful daughters and I'm loving this ride we are on! Love you babe and I'm so glad I get to spend eternity with you.