Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Dancing Queens

Today was Wednesday, Lexi's dance class day. Ava usually sits on my lap and sucks her thumb. But today... she was out there with the big girls dancing it up!! Okay, if you know Ava then you know she is shy and quite sensitive to anything new. She has been invited to participate several times before by the dance teacher, but never wanted to. And I have asked her if she wanted to take a dance class with kids her own age and she always said, "NO!" But of course at home with Lexi she is always dancing around, usually to the dances she has learned from class. So I was very shocked when today Ava just got in line with the girls and started warming up with them. She did ballet at the barre and when it was time for tap, the teacher gave her an extra pair of tap shoes. I think her favorite dance was Viva Las Vegas, lol. (The pictures are crappy... they are from my phone) She had so much fun. Today Ava is 2 and a half! Perhaps she is starting to come out of her shell a little bit huh?!

When we're home and I'm cleaning or srapbooking or something, I turn on my itunes list on the computer and we jam. Well our girls most favorite song-and they beg me to turn it to this every day- is Beautiful Life by Ace of Base. HAHA!! I love it, they totally rock out to this song and they both have their own "favorite parts." Again, sorry for the poor quaility, it's from my cellphone.


Shelly said...

So fun!!!
I can't believe Ava actually got out there and danced at dance class. That is so great!!

Destiny Rayburn said...

I would have given ANYTHING to be there when Ava decided to join today! Those girls are so different, I wonder how they'll be as adults.

Mama Wisch said...

So cute. Allison turns on the Mama Mia soundtrack and she and Abby have a "dance party" while rocking out to it. I love Ava's hand up in the air while she's dancing - priceless.

Elise said...

Awe, Mindy!!! They are soooo cute!

Shannon said...

So cute! Ava and Chloe are SO much alike, it's scary!!

Kory said...

Cute! Awesome dance moves! :-)