Sunday, May 31, 2009

More May Happenings...

So this is how we ended our May:
The new park FINALLY opened by Lexi's school, the closest park to our house now, whoo hoo! All the Kindergarten classes went and sang at the opening of the park. Ava had a blast playing in the water area. She was just starting out in these pics, but she really did get SOAKED. :)

Benj's bday was Friday, he turned 33!! After he worked a 14 hour day, we went out to dinner at Outback to celebrate. The girls and I made him a cake (but I couldn't find the other #3 candle, so I used just 3 separate candles). And he got what he's been wanting for a long time now, GUITAR HERO!!

Lexi really wanted to try. She did a great job, but wanted to quit during the first song, lol.

And Lexi lost her first tooth! The thing had been hanging there for a few days now and after church today, she stuck it in my hand. She said she had just been pushing it with her tongue and it fell out! YAY! You can hardly see a hole (bottom left, her right), her new tooth is about grown in. Perhaps the Tooth Fairy will make a visit tonight?! ;)

And yesterday (while daddy was working yet again... I'm thankful for his job, I'm thankful for his job...), I took the girls to see "UP." It wasn't amazing, but it was good. My girls really liked it, except for "the scary dogs." :)

1 comment:

montana diana said...

Love, love, love the pictures and I also loved talking to Lexi about her losing her tooth, way too funny! I am totally writing down what she said. It was fun to talk to Ava as well. Its never a dull moment at your house is it? Ha! Love you guys and can't wait to see you in July.